
sâmbătă, 16 noiembrie 2013

Boyfriend style has come back again!

Buna fetelor!

Eu am am ratat reducerea speciala de pe Romwe, chiar imi doresc aceasta  hainuta dar cand m-am hotarat eu pretul era intreg.  Daaaar se pare  ca va fi din nou la promotie, iar eu sper  sa pot pune labuta pe ea!!!

Voi ce parere aveti?

Boyfriend style has come back again!
On 18th November (starting from 1:00 pm on Nov. 17th GMT, only 24hrs!), ROMWE Boyfriend Woolen Coat will be the price of$36.99, with original price $109.99. Only on Nov18th, only 24 hours!
Worldwide free shipping, shipped in 24 hours.
More than 3000 customers have already added it to the shopping cart.
Let us wear Boyfriend Woolen Coat!

O seara frumoasa va doresc!
